If the Housing Industry Association’s Professional Builder/Renovator Awards 2015 have proven anything this year it’s how great the results can be when we work together with our customers. Stroud Homes recently received two HIA Awards which recognise our professionalism in the housing industry, along with our business management, customer service and building practices.
Franchise News
Doing Business Differently
Stroud Homes was recently featured in the Fassifern Guardian – the local newspaper in Boonah where Stroud Homes is based. James discusses the factors that have lead to the success of the Stroud Homes group. Spinning a country style business web in Boonah by Drew Creighton TEN years ago, the traffic in Sydney caused James Stroud to make […]
11 Tips for Startup Success from James Stroud and Brad Sugars
Imagine if you could sit down for a quiet chat with James Stroud, founder of Stroud Homes and ‘The Worlds #1 Business Coach’ Brad Sugars, owner and founder of the worlds largest business coaching organisation. What would they be able to tell you to ensure your success as you start your Stroud Homes business? This article […]
Are You Ready For A Franchise Business?
Overcoming resistance to change In my conversations with builders across Australia I come across the same sort of questions and concerns from would-be building franchise owners. In particular, many people I talk with are not sure whether they are up for the challenge and feel ‘blocked’ when it comes to taking a new direction in their […]
Why Buy A Franchise?
He said to me “I don’t know why anyone would buy a franchise, I just don’t see the point of it.” Here’s my answer…
Starting the engine – one cylinder at a time
Our business model runs smoothly with a team of 6 – sort of like a 6 cylinder engine.
What makes it tricky is that we have to start each cylinder, one at a time.
The snake and the mouse
I’ve been told that some small animals freeze with terror at the sight of a snake, obviously helping to make the snake’s job much easier. I spoke to a builder today who was entirely convinced that there was no way to capture any market share from the big national corporate builders in his area. With […]
New Sunshine Coast Franchise Open Day
To celebrate the opening of our latest Stroud Homes franchise opening on the Sunshine Coast we held an open day to encourage those in the market for a new home to come and meet the Stroud team. There was a great turnout with 20 to 30 happy faces coming through the door to talk to […]
20 Good Reasons to Start Your Own Business
Starting and running your own business is a great experience. And a franchise is one of the most effective ways to kick start your way into a successful business. Successful entrepreneurs can tell you many great reasons to start your own business. Top of the list tend to come things like an improved lifestyle, increased wealth, independence […]
Own a business that works for you – not the other way around
Stroud Homes Franchise Opportunities If the Stroud Homes franchised builders have a better lifestyle, it is by design! “I recently spoke to a builder who had plenty of work on the go” said James, “unfortunately for him, the homes were all challenging designs on challenging building sites – so he had to be there all […]