When starting a business from the ground up, you go through what’s known as the ‘trial and error’ period where your so called business plan takes many right hand turns requiring time and money to get back on track.
Essential Reading for Prospective Franchisees
In my discussions with prospective franchisees I tend to encounter the same sort of questions and concerns. To help you decide whether a Stroud Homes franchise is right for you I've put together the following series of articles. I strongly encourage you to read each of these articles prior to our first conversation.
James Stroud
AGM Awards, Christmas & A Happy New Year!
It’s been a big year for Stroud Homes as the company has grown with new franchises in Melbourne, Wide Bay, Wagga Wagga, Sydney South West and Brisbane West, as well as taking out a number of HIA awards and a QMBA. None of this would be possible without the hard work our franchisees put into […]
11 Tips for Startup Success from James Stroud and Brad Sugars
Imagine if you could sit down for a quiet chat with James Stroud, founder of Stroud Homes and ‘The Worlds #1 Business Coach’ Brad Sugars, owner and founder of the worlds largest business coaching organisation. What would they be able to tell you to ensure your success as you start your Stroud Homes business? This article […]
Why Buy A Franchise?
He said to me “I don’t know why anyone would buy a franchise, I just don’t see the point of it.” Here’s my answer…
Starting the engine – one cylinder at a time
Our business model runs smoothly with a team of 6 – sort of like a 6 cylinder engine.
What makes it tricky is that we have to start each cylinder, one at a time.
The snake and the mouse
I’ve been told that some small animals freeze with terror at the sight of a snake, obviously helping to make the snake’s job much easier. I spoke to a builder today who was entirely convinced that there was no way to capture any market share from the big national corporate builders in his area. With […]