There is a small, but growing team of builders in SEQ who are slowly but steadily raising the bar in the industry. It’s time you found out whats going on here – before they end up as your competitors. There is an opportunity to be part of a team that is consistently delivering more – and yes, customers are starting to notice.
- Can you build a new home in 16 weeks – council approval to handover?
- Can you build 10, 20 or more at a time and still hit these targets?
- Can you do it consistently and still have time to spend with family?
- Can you do it and achieve quality rated in the top 5%?
We do, month in – month out and we are ready to show you how. Great systems make it do-able – let’s do it.
- Can you quote new homes in 24 hours?
- Can you produce a detailed 5 page quote in 5 minutes?
- Is you quoting system idiot proof? So idiot proof that your junior staff quote new homes?
What we don’t do is ‘all-nighters’. What we do do is enjoy having our salespeople consistently and effortlessly produce detailed, accurate quotes that blow our customers away. They quote, we build – no worries. We’re ready to show you how.
- Are you tired of changing plans around?
- Are you sick of custom builds – where every home is a prototype – full of surprises?
- Do your clients ever purchase without changing the plans?
Ours do, about 30% of them in fact. We’re ready to show you what it’s like to make your clients an offer so good, they don’t change the plans. We’re ready to show you how to increase the number of no-change builds and reduce the number of custom builds.
- Do you want to be the best builder you can be – a leader in your community, a pillar in your local economy?
- Are you looking for the best way forward – considering software systems, business coaches and creating a design range?
What if you could have a business coach who only charges you when you sell homes, who’s success is your success. We’re ready to show you the path – how you can work towards a leading market share in your area.
Give the Stroud Homes Franchising team a call today on 0435 803 411. We’re ready – are you?
Kind Regards,
James Stroud