In the business of setting builders up in business, we’ve found a peculiar trend:
The more demand for builders, the less likely they are to be looking for ways to improve their business.
It’s sort of like – the boom is their business plan… It’s like they believe the only reason a customer would choose them as a builder is that everybody else is too busy.
So what’s the plan when the boom is over?
Which leads me to ask – what do they plan to do when construction slows down (as it always does)?
- Will they be one of the builders who temporarily abandon their career and heads off to the mines, or whatever industry seems to be thriving at the moment?
- Do they really see their building business as a long-term affair providing a service required by the community?
- Why wouldn’t they use the current high demand for builders to establish themselves in their community, so that they are well set up for the next slow times that will eventually roll around?
Growing the Business even during the Slower Times
At Stroud Homes, we take great pride in setting our builders up with a solid business model where they quickly become viewed as important builders in their community.
Make no mistake, this authority puts Stroud builders in a position where they can grow their business through the slow times – and make some really good money in the good times! More importantly, the builder gets to stay home with the family, continue to grow their skills and expand their reputation – while the other blokes leave wife and kids at home and head off to a lonely life in the mines.
I’ve been travelling around Sydney and Melbourne for the last few months, working with our builders. There is without a doubt a massive amount of demand for builders’ services. Take my advice – don’t waste the opportunity to set yourself up in business properly so you can get through the slow times. Give us a call today.
Call 0435 803 411